Jill Henderson Jill Henderson

New Year, New You

As we usher in a new year, it's natural to reflect on the past and set goals for the future. New Year's resolutions often involve aspirations for personal growth, improved well-being, and overall happiness. However, achieving these goals requires more than just a list of resolutions; it demands a shift in mindset and a commitment to holistic well-being. This year, consider incorporating yoga into your routine as a powerful tool to reset your expectations and pave the way for a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Resetting Expectations:

The beginning of a new year is an excellent time to reassess and reset our expectations. Instead of aiming for perfection, focus on progress and personal growth. Yoga philosophy encourages practitioners to embrace the journey, recognizing that each step forward is a valuable part of the process. By resetting your expectations, you can alleviate the pressure to achieve unrealistic goals and cultivate a mindset that celebrates incremental victories.

Yoga and Mindfulness:

Yoga is not just a physical practice; it's a holistic approach to wellness that encompasses the mind, body, and spirit. Through the practice of mindfulness, yogis learn to be present in the moment, fostering self-awareness and emotional resilience. Mindfulness enables individuals to release negative thought patterns, reduce stress, and approach challenges with a calm and focused mindset. By incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine, you can better navigate the ups and downs of life, setting the stage for success in your endeavors.

Physical Well-Being:

A regular yoga practice contributes to physical well-being by enhancing flexibility, strength, and balance. These physical benefits not only improve overall health but also provide a solid foundation for achieving other goals. Whether your resolutions involve fitness, weight management, or increased energy levels, yoga can be a supportive ally in your journey toward a healthier and more active lifestyle.

Setting Intentions with Yoga:

Yoga encourages practitioners to set intentions for their practice, helping them stay focused and aligned with their goals. Applying this concept beyond the yoga mat allows you to set intentions for various aspects of your life. Whether it's professional success, improved relationships, or a greater sense of purpose, clarifying your intentions and staying committed to them can significantly impact your ability to manifest positive change.

Building Resilience:

Life is filled with unexpected challenges, and building resilience is key to overcoming setbacks. The mindfulness and breath awareness cultivated through yoga provide valuable tools for managing stress and bouncing back from adversity. By developing resilience, you'll be better equipped to navigate the inevitable twists and turns on the path to achieving your goals.

As you embark on the journey of a new year, consider embracing the transformative power of yoga to reset your expectations and propel you toward success. Whether your resolutions involve personal growth, physical fitness, or enhanced well-being, the holistic approach of yoga can serve as a guiding light. By integrating mindfulness, physical well-being, intention setting, and resilience into your routine, you'll create a solid foundation for achieving your goals and living a more purposeful and balanced life in the coming year.

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Jill Henderson Jill Henderson

Discover the Power of 26/2 Yoga

Are you searching for a transformative and invigorating yoga practice that's perfect for beginners? Look no further than Thrive Hot Yoga's 26/2 class, inspired by the renowned Bikram Yoga series. This unique practice offers a myriad of benefits for both your body and mind, making it the perfect entry point for those new to yoga. Join us on a journey to explore the incredible advantages of 26/2 yoga and discover how it can help you thrive in your wellness journey.

Why Choose 26/2 Yoga at Thrive Hot Yoga?

Before we dive into the numerous benefits of 26/2 yoga, let's take a moment to understand why Thrive Hot Yoga is the perfect place for beginners to embark on this transformative journey.

  1. Expert Instructors: Our certified and experienced instructors are dedicated to creating a safe and supportive environment for all levels of practitioners, especially beginners. They'll guide you through the practice with care and attention, ensuring you feel comfortable and confident.

  2. State-of-the-Art Facilities: Thrive Hot Yoga provides spacious, well-heated studios designed to optimize your practice experience. Our clean and inviting spaces create the ideal setting for your yoga journey.

  3. Community and Support: Joining Thrive Hot Yoga means becoming a part of a welcoming and inclusive community. Here, you'll find like-minded individuals who share your passion for wellness and growth.

Benefits of 26/2 Yoga for Beginners

Now, let's explore the incredible benefits of 26/2 yoga, especially tailored to those new to the practice:

1. Improved Flexibility: 26/2 yoga consists of a set sequence of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises. The combination of heat and these specific poses allows beginners to gradually and safely increase their flexibility, making it easier to perform everyday movements.

2. Enhanced Strength: This practice engages various muscle groups, aiding in overall strength development. As a beginner, you'll notice increased muscle tone and better core stability over time.

3. Stress Reduction: The mindfulness encouraged in 26/2 yoga helps reduce stress levels and promotes relaxation. It's an excellent practice for beginners looking to find a sense of inner calm amidst the chaos of daily life.

4. Detoxification: The intense heat in the studio induces sweating, facilitating the removal of toxins from your body. This detoxification process can leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

5. Weight Management: If weight management is a goal, 26/2 yoga can help. The practice burns calories, boosts metabolism, and promotes healthy eating habits, making it a valuable addition to your fitness routine.

6. Cardiovascular Health: The series of postures and controlled breathing in 26/2 yoga can benefit your cardiovascular health, improving circulation and strengthening your heart.

7. Improved Posture: As a beginner, you'll quickly notice improvements in your posture. The practice helps correct common postural issues and encourages body awareness.

8. Mental Clarity: 26/2 yoga sharpens your mental focus and clarity through controlled breathing and mindfulness. It's an excellent way for beginners to disconnect from external distractions and connect with themselves.

Join Us at Thrive Hot Yoga

Ready to begin your journey into the world of 26/2 yoga? Thrive Hot Yoga welcomes you with open arms. Our beginner-friendly classes are designed to help you thrive in your wellness journey. With expert instructors, state-of-the-art facilities, and a supportive community, there's no better place to start your practice.

Visit our studio today and experience the life-changing benefits of 26/2 yoga for yourself. Your first class at Thrive Hot Yoga is on us – it's our way of welcoming you into our thriving community.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to transform your life through yoga. Join Thrive Hot Yoga, and let's embark on this journey of growth, wellness, and self-discovery together. We can't wait to see you on the mat!


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Jill Henderson Jill Henderson

The Benefits of Hot Yoga During Summer: Why You Shouldn't Skip Your Sweat Session

As the heat rises during summer, it may seem counterintuitive to want to join a hot yoga class. Despite that, hot yoga can bring refreshing benefits during the season, many of which may surprise you. From detoxification to boost your body's metabolism, hot yoga can offer a lot more than just exercise, especially during the summer. In this post, we will be delving into the reasons why hot yoga is beneficial to try out during this season and not just in winter.

Sweating Helps Cool the Body

When we do hot yoga, we sweat intensely, and this may seem daunting during summer. However, sweating is how our body cools down. When we sweat, especially in a humid room, our body’s natural cooling system goes into full swing, lowering our body temperature and making us feel relaxed and refreshed. So booking a hot yoga class on a sweltering day may be just what you need to cool off.


During summer, we tend to indulge in a lot more cold drinks and sugary foods, which may cause our digestive system to get sluggish. This is where hot yoga can help by flushing toxins out of our system and regulating our metabolism. Sweating in a hot yoga class can assist in getting rid of bodily toxins; hence not only is it beneficial for weight loss but also improving your overall health.

Boosting Energy Levels

With the heat being brutal during summer, it's easy to feel drained by the midday. However, hot yoga can help boost your energy levels, helping you feel alert and awake. A hot yoga session can increase blood flow to the brain and release endorphins, which can leave you feeling energized to take on the rest of your day.

Increase Flexibility

Summer is peak holiday season for many, and this often involves a lot of traveling. A hot yoga session can also help travelers relieve stiffness and increase flexibility. The heat in the room helps to loosen up tight muscles which for many is induced by extended hours of sitting on flights or long car rides. So, creating a consistent hot yoga practice during summer will undoubtedly leave you feeling more flexible, mobile, and less prone to aches and pains.

Manage Stress

Whether it's traveling, or managing kids during the summer holidays, summer can be a stressful time. Stepping into a hot yoga class can help alleviate those feelings of stress and anxiety. The heat in the room can help relax the body, which, in turn, calms the mind, making it easier to let go, relax and breathe. This way, not only will you get the physical benefits of the practice, but you will also find mental peace and clarity.

In conclusion, hot yoga can be a fantastic alternative to outdoor summer workouts or a way to cool down after a long day. The benefits of hot yoga extend far beyond just improving your physical fitness and help regulate your body and mind during a season that can be frantic and busy. So make sure to grab your mat and join a hot yoga class to reap all the excellent benefits this season. Remember, the heat outside may be rising, but there's no excuse to stop working on ourselves and taking care of our minds and bodies.

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Jill Henderson Jill Henderson

It’s Time For A Health Reset This Spring

As the weather begins to warm up and the flowers start to bloom, it's the perfect time to focus on a spring health reset. Here are some tips for optimizing your health this spring:

  1. Get outside and exercise - With the warmer weather, it's the perfect time to get outside and exercise. Not only will you benefit from the fresh air and vitamin D, but you'll also burn calories and boost your overall health. Consider going for a walk, jog, bike ride, or even trying a new outdoor activity like rock climbing or kayaking.

  2. Eat fresh, whole foods - Spring is the perfect time to start incorporating fresh, whole foods into your diet. Try incorporating more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into your meals. These foods will provide your body with the nutrients it needs to function at its best.

  3. Drink plenty of water - Staying hydrated is essential for your overall health, and it's especially important during the warmer months. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water per day, and consider carrying a refillable water bottle with you wherever you go.

  4. Get enough sleep - Sleep is essential for your physical and mental health, so make sure you're getting enough of it. Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep per night, and establish a consistent bedtime and wake-up time to help regulate your sleep schedule.

  5. Practice mindfulness -Taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health. Consider incorporating mindfulness practices like meditation or yoga into your daily routine to help reduce stress and improve your overall well-being.

By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to optimizing your health this spring. Remember, taking care of yourself should always be a top priority, so don't be afraid to take the time you need to focus on your physical and mental well-being.

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Jill Henderson Jill Henderson

Why Hot Yoga is the Secret Ingredient You’ve Been Missing

If you’re looking to take your existing yoga practice to the next level - it's definitely time to consider hot yoga. As the name implies, hot yoga is all about moving through your yoga poses in a heated, steamy space - usually somewhere around 90 - 98 degrees fahrenheit. Hot yoga has soared in popularity recently, and for good reason: it boasts all the same benefits as traditional yoga (read: better flexibility & mobility, reduced stress and anxiety, improved strength and overall fitness, etc) but ramps up the intensity factor. Here are 4 reasons why hot yoga is the secret sauce you’ve been missing out on in your yoga practice!

  • Improved Flexibility

    One of the most prominent benefits of practicing yoga regularly is the improved flexibility you can gain throughout your entire body. Flexibility is a component of overall physical fitness that helps your joints move seamlessly through a full range of motion. It not only helps improve your performance, increases blood flow and helps your muscles to work as optimally as possible, but also decreases your risk of injury. The heated environment of a hot yoga class can more effectively warm up your muscles, allowing you to sink deeper and more easily into your yoga poses. You’ll most likely find yourself able to stretch a little further and achieve a greater range of motion - especially after multiple sessions. 

  • Calorie Burner

    While traditional yoga might not hold a candle to a HIIT or bootcamp class when it comes to calorie burning potential, hot yoga brings things up a notch. Turning up the heat can also increase your heart rate, leading to more calories burned during the course of your workout.

  • Cardio Boost

    A hot yoga practice provides more cardiovascular benefits than traditional yoga alone. All that extra heat puts added pressure on your heart, lunges and muscles, even when doing the exact same poses. Hot yoga really gets your heart pumping and blood flowing, benefiting your cardiovascular health and even revving up your metabolism - a benefit you’ll continue reaping even after class has ended. 

  • Stress Relief

    Yoga has a slew of research backing up its benefits for both the mind and body.  Studies have shown that yoga can literally decrease the amount of stress hormones in the body, leaving you feeling more relaxed after your session. Exercise in general, no matter the type you choose, has shown to be helpful in preventing as well as alleviating depression and hot yoga is no exception.

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Jill Henderson Jill Henderson

Getting Into Good Habits: A Guide to Establishing a Yoga Routine

Are you looking for a way to establish healthy habits? Check out our guide to starting a yoga routine!

Yoga can be incredibly beneficial to our overall well-being, both physically and mentally. But without a commitment to establishing an effective yoga routine, it can sometimes be difficult to reap these rewards. Here are some simple tips for getting into the habit of a regular yoga practice.

Find a Time That Works For You

Having difficulty finding the time or motivation to practice regularly? Try picking a time that works best for you — whether that’s first thing in the morning, during your lunch break, or toward the end of your day — then stick with it! Schedule your practice as you would any other important event.

Start Small & Build Up

For those just starting out with yoga, try beginning with short sessions (10-20 minutes). Even small doses of yoga can still be beneficial, plus you’ll feel more motivated to come back to your mat when you’re not overwhelmed by too much at once! As you gain more confidence and strength, gradually increase the length and complexity of each session.

Think Beyond Physical Benefits

There are various types of yoga available — from gentle restorative postures to challenging vinyasa flows — so find one that resonates with your goals and interests. Don’t forget about all the other mental health benefits such as improved concentration and relaxation that come along with practicing mindfulness and breathing techniques.

Connect With The Community

Yoga isn’t only about personal gains but also connecting with others in the community! If possible attend classes at studios like The Melting Spot in Owasso or outdoor locations so you can share your practice with like-minded people while learning from more experienced practitioners.

With a little bit of dedication and intention, anyone can make their own unique yoga routine and enjoy the many physical and mental benefits it brings.


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Jill Henderson Jill Henderson

How Many Calories Does Hot Yoga Burn?

Hot yoga is a form of yoga that is performed in a heated room. The temperature is typically set between 95-105 degrees with a humidity of 30-40%. The heat and humidity make hot yoga a challenging and intense workout, and many people often wonder how many calories it burns.

According to research, a person can burn between 330 to 460 calories in a 60-minute hot yoga session. The number of calories burned can vary depending on the intensity of the class, the individual's body weight, and the duration of the session.

One of the reasons why hot yoga burns so many calories is because of the intense heat and humidity. The heat causes the body to work harder to maintain its core temperature, which leads to an increase in metabolism and calorie burn. Additionally, the poses and movements in hot yoga require strength, balance, and flexibility, which also contribute to calorie burn.

Hot yoga is not only a great way to burn calories, but it also offers several other health benefits. The heat and humidity can help to increase blood flow and promote relaxation, which can reduce stress levels and improve overall well-being. The practice of yoga can also improve flexibility, balance, and strength, which can lead to a reduction in the risk of injury and improved athletic performance.

It is important to note that while hot yoga can be a great way to burn calories and improve overall health, it may not be suitable for everyone. Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as heart disease or high blood pressure, may need to avoid hot yoga due to the risk of dehydration and overheating. It is also essential to stay hydrated before, during, and after hot yoga to prevent dehydration.

In conclusion, hot yoga can be an excellent way to burn calories and improve overall health. With consistent practice, hot yoga can be a great addition to any fitness routine.

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Jill Henderson Jill Henderson

How Do You Deepen Your Practice?

If you're passionate about yoga and want to deepen your practice, becoming a certified yoga teacher might be the next step for you. Yoga teacher training programs can provide you with the knowledge and skills to teach yoga, as well as deepen your understanding of the practice. Here are some reasons why you should consider taking yoga teacher training:

  1. Deepen your personal practice: One of the main benefits of yoga teacher training is that it provides an opportunity to deepen your personal practice. Through consistent practice, you'll not only gain a deeper understanding of yoga poses and their benefits, but also the philosophy and history of yoga.

  2. Learn anatomy and alignment: Yoga teacher training programs typically cover the anatomy and alignment of poses, which can help you better understand how poses affect the body and how to guide students in and out of them safely and effectively.

  3. Develop teaching skills: Teaching yoga requires more than just knowing the poses. Yoga teacher training programs teach you how to cue students, adjust their alignment, and create a safe and supportive environment for them to practice in. You'll also learn how to create lesson plans and sequence classes that flow smoothly.

  4. Connect with a community: Taking yoga teacher training is a great way to connect with a community of like-minded people who share your passion for yoga. You'll have the opportunity to build relationships with your fellow trainees and instructors, and may even find mentorship opportunities that can help you grow your teaching skills.

  5. Expand your career options: Becoming a certified yoga teacher opens up a range of career options, from teaching in studios and gyms to leading retreats and workshops. You can also use your training to specialize in specific areas of yoga, such as prenatal or therapeutic yoga, and work with specific populations.

In conclusion, taking yoga teacher training can be a transformative experience that deepens your practice, teaches you valuable skills, and opens up new career opportunities. If you're passionate about yoga and want to take your practice to the next level, consider signing up for a teacher training program.

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Jill Henderson Jill Henderson

Maintain Strength: The Benefits of Yoga For Seniors

Yoga is a great way for seniors to keep their bodies in shape and maintain their strength and agility.

As we age, our bodies begin to change. Our muscles can weaken, our flexibility can diminish, and even our balance can be affected. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Yoga is a great way for seniors to keep their bodies in shape and maintain their strength and agility. Let’s explore the benefits of yoga for seniors.

Improving Strength and Flexibility

One of the most important benefits of yoga is its ability to improve strength and flexibility. By engaging in regular yoga practice, seniors are able to increase the strength in their muscles while also improving their flexibility. With improved strength, seniors will experience less fatigue while performing everyday activities like walking or cleaning around the house. Improved flexibility will help ensure that seniors have a full range of motion which can reduce the risk of injury while going about daily activities.

Improving Balance

Another important benefit of yoga for seniors is its ability to improve balance. As we age, our balance naturally deteriorates due to weaker core muscles and other factors such as poor eyesight or inner ear problems. Regularly engaging in yoga poses helps strengthen those core muscles which can lead to improved balance overall. Additionally, many poses require a great deal of focus and concentration which can help improve mental alertness as well as physical balance.

Creating a Sense of Calmness

Finally, yoga provides an excellent opportunity for relaxation both mentally and physically. Many seniors experience joint stiffness or chronic pain due to arthritic conditions or simply from aging in general so taking part in gentle yoga poses can help ease those aches and pains while still providing an effective workout routine. Furthermore, guided meditation included during some classes may help reduce stress levels overall by creating a sense of calmness throughout the body and mind alike.

For seniors looking for ways to stay healthy and active without putting too much strain on their bodies, yoga provides an ideal solution with multiple benefits! Through regular practice, seniors are able to build strength while at the same time increasing flexibility and improving balance all while reducing stress levels through calming meditations exercises included within some classes. Whether you are just starting out with your practice or have been practicing for years, there are plenty of options available when it comes to incorporating yoga into your life!

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Jill Henderson Jill Henderson

A Beginner's Guide To Common Yoga Poses

Check out these common yoga poses.

Yoga is a great activity for both physical and mental health: not only does it help to stretch and tone muscles, it also helps with stress relief, relaxation, and mindfulness. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll be taking a look at some of the most popular yoga poses — perfect for those who are just starting out!

Mountain Pose

Mountain Pose (Tadasana) is often used as a warm-up or cool-down pose, but also has many therapeutic benefits. To enter into this pose, start by standing tall with your feet together and arms spread wide at your sides — then take deep breaths while focusing on drawing energy from the feet all the way up to the top of your head.

Warrior I

Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I) is a great posture that helps to build strength in the ankles, legs, shoulders and arms while stretching out your chest and lungs. To begin this pose stand in mountain position with your feet hip width apart — then slowly raise one leg backwards while bringing both arms up above your head. Hold this posture for several breaths before repeating on the opposite side.

Triangle Pose

Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) is an excellent way to lengthen the spine while strengthening obliques and improving balance. From warrior I position move one arm down towards the ground while extending your other arm straight up into the air — then twist your torso to bring your hands parallel to each other on either side of you legs.

These are just some of many basic postures that you can use to start building strength, flexibility and mindfulness in your practice! Remember - it takes time to build strength so take each movement slowly and give yourself ample rest when needed.#Yoga

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Jill Henderson Jill Henderson

Boost Your Practice with Arm Balances and Inversions

Learn to fly (or at least hover) with arm balances and inversions

If you’re looking to add more of a challenge to your yoga practice, arm balances and inversions are the perfect way to do so. Not only are they fun and rewarding, but they’ll also help improve your strength and flexibility too! Here’s an overview of these two interesting techniques:

Arm Balances

Arm balances require a combination of patience, strength, focus, and flexibility. The most popular arm balance postures include Crow Pose (Bakasana), Side Plank (Vasisthasana), Handstand (Adho Mukha Vrksasana) and Forearm Balance (Pincha Mayurasana). To enter into any of these postures, you should start by focusing on your breath while centering yourself in an upright pose — if you need extra support consider using a block or wall. When ready, move onto shifting your weight to one side while bringing your hands into a strong base — then slowly lift one leg at a time until both legs are off the ground and suspended in air.


Inversions can be quite intimidating for beginners but remember — practice makes perfect! Common inversion postures include Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana) and Headstand (Sirsasana). To begin any inversion posture, start by lying all the way down on your back, then take some deep breaths before slowly engaging your core muscles to raise your legs upwards. Be sure to use caution when attempting headstands as there is greater chance for injury due to gravity pulling against you when inverted.

Arm balances and inversions can be difficult poses that require patience as well as dedication — but if done correctly they will provide amazing benefits such as increased strength, balance, mental clarity and focus. So give them a try next time you hit the mat! #Yoga

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Jill Henderson Jill Henderson

Taking Your Yoga Practice To The Extreme: Unnecessary and Ridiculous Yoga Attire

We’re here for all the weird yoga clothes!

Yoga is often seen as a relaxing way to stay fit and centered — but what happens when the practice goes too far and people take it to new extremes? Introducing the craziest, most outrageous pieces of yoga attire you never knew existed!

Deep Sea Diving Gear

If you want a full body experience, look no further than deep sea diving gear. Nothing quite compares to the feeling of being totally submerged in water while doing your favorite poses! Plus, you never have to worry about overheating again. Just imagine how much fun your underwater sun salutations will be...

Tactical Combat Gear

Combat situations can be intense. And what better way to prepare for them then by wearing full-on tactical combat gear during your yoga session? Be sure to add elbow pads, knee pads, and goggles for all those Warrior IIs and triangle poses. You'll be ready for any battle that comes your way!

High Heels

Ahhh yes, high heels. What woman doesn't love 'em? But why stop there? Make sure they come with rhinestones and sequins of course - so when you get into Warrior III pose you can bedazzle everyone around you with sparkly rainbows of light reflecting off your shoes!

As we can see from these strange items, some people are taking their yoga practice just a little bit too seriously! While it's great to take care of yourself with regular exercise like yoga — let's not let it spiral out of control (or turn us into walking disco balls!). #yogaclothes

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Jill Henderson Jill Henderson

Flexibility and Yoga: A Match Made In Heaven

Becoming more flexible through yoga

One of the most obvious benefits of yoga practice is increased flexibility. But why does yoga cause us to become more limber? How does it impact our everyday lives? In this blog post, we'll explore the relationship between flexibility and yoga and how to maximize its effects for improved physical health.

What is Flexibility?

Flexibility is simply our body's ability to move freely through a range of motion. This range can be divided into four categories: static, dynamic, active and passive. Static flexibility refers to your ability to hold a certain pose without movement, while dynamic flexibility means being able to move through a range of motions with ease. Active flexibility involves using muscular control during stretches or poses, while passive flexibility means using an external force such as gravity or another person's help.

How Does Yoga Help Increase Flexibility?

Yoga helps increase flexibility in several ways. Firstly, all yoga poses stretch the muscles and joints in different ways depending on the type of posture being done — think hearty backbends or quad-stretching standing poses! Secondly, most forms of yoga link conscious breathing with movement which deepens our physical connection with each pose — helping us achieve deeper stretching benefits over time. Lastly, regular practice can help break down adhesions in the muscles (known as “knots”) which block range of motion.

Tips For Maximizing Flexibility With Yoga

If you're looking to maximize your flexiblity with yoga practice, here are a few tips that might help you out:

  • Warm up before practicing by taking a few minutes for light movements like neck rolls or arm circles;

  • Listen closely to your body and don't push beyond what feels comfortable;

  • Incorporate plenty of restorative postures into your routine;

  • Take advantage of props like chairs or blocks if needed - they can help you find deeper poses safely;

  • Breathe deeply throughout your practice;

  • Stretch regularly after class (at least 10 minutes per day).

Yoga can be intimidating at first — but with some patience and regular consistency, you may find that it's not so scary after all! With all its amazing physical benefits, incorporating even just 10 minutes daily could make for a world of difference in your life. So roll out your mat today and see what wonders await!

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Jill Henderson Jill Henderson

What Yoga Is Not - Despite What Some May Tell You

Learn what yoga is by learning about what yoga is not.

Yoga is often portrayed in popular culture as a mysterious, mystical practice full of complicated postures and the ever-elusive goal of “enlightenment.” But this couldn’t be further from the truth! Here’s a look at what yoga is not – despite what some may tell you.

It's Not Religion: Contrary to popular belief, yoga is not a religion or cult. It has been around for thousands of years and encompasses many different spiritual paths, but it doesn't demand that practitioners have any particular beliefs or values.

It's Not Elitist: We all know that workouts can sometimes turn into competitive contests – but yoga isn’t about who can perform the most complicated poses with perfect grace. The practice is about connecting with your body and letting go of stress – not looking like an Instagram model!

It's Not Unattainable: Some people think that yoga takes years of practice to even begin to understand its benefits – but this isn't true at all! Even if you don't get everything right in your first session, there are still plenty of benefits for everyone no matter their starting level.

In conclusion, it's important to remember that yoga isn't any one thing – so don't let others fool you into believing it has to be a certain way! Whether you're new to the practice or a seasoned pro, simply focus on connecting with your body and breathing deeply during your sessions and you'll see results soon enough.

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Jill Henderson Jill Henderson

A Lighthearted Look at Yoga

Yoga can be a wonderful way to de-stress, connect with your body and relax into the present moment. But it can also be a source of amusement when you look at it from the right perspective! Here’s a lighthearted look at some of the funniest moments that come along with yoga practice.

Unfamiliar Poses: Have you ever gotten stuck in an unfamiliar pose? Maybe your teacher said something like “reach back and grab your ankle” and all you could do was stare in confusion? No worries – it happens to all of us at one point or another. You don’t even need to feel embarrassed here – just remember that laughter can often be the best medicine!

Funny Faces: We all know that funny faces are common in many yoga classes. Whether they come from sheer concentration or uncontrollable laughing, they’re always enough to put a smile on everyone’s face – including yours!

Giggling Fits: Yup, sometimes during yoga we just can’t help but giggle! Whether it comes from getting tangled up in our own limbs or finding humor in what should be considered a serious posture, these fits of laughter remind us that life is truly meant to be enjoyed.

In conclusion, there is much amusement to be found in yoga practices if we take time to appreciate them with humor. So don't forget to laugh and smile throughout your next session – there may be more surprises than expected!

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Jill Henderson Jill Henderson

Expectations vs. Reality For Your Very First Hot Yoga Class

Wondering what to expect when you come to your first class? It’s not as scary as you might think!

If you’ve been thinking of trying hot yoga, it’s likely because of all the amazing things you’ve heard about its benefits – and why wouldn’t you be excited? But what can you expect when you actually show up to your first class? Here's a look at the expectations vs. reality.

Expectation: You'll walk into a room full of experienced yogis who will make you feel like an outsider.

Reality: Most people in the class are likely beginners just like you, so don't worry about feeling out of place. The instructors are usually understanding and supportive, so just focus on enjoying learning something new.

Expectation: You won't even break a sweat in this heat!

Reality: Welcome to sweating like never before! Hot yoga brings the heat but also helps with detoxification as well as circulation and weight loss – so we'd say it's totally worth it.

Expectation: You'll breeze through the poses with ease.

Reality: Prepare yourself for some serious stretches! Even pros still struggle with certain poses, so don't expect perfection from yourself right away – it takes lots of practice!

In conclusion, hot yoga can provide many positive results for practitioners if they remain mindful and patient with themselves throughout the process. Hopefully this overview has helped set your expectations for what may lie ahead during your journey into hot yoga!

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Jill Henderson Jill Henderson

The Benefits of Hot Yoga for Weight Loss

Looking to lose weight? Try Hot Yoga at The Melting Spot!

Hot yoga is gaining popularity due to its many physical and mental health benefits, with weight loss being one of them. It involves practicing yoga in a heated environment, usually between 90 - 105° Fahrenheit and 40-60% humidity.

The heat generated during hot yoga classes can help accelerate your metabolism, thus increasing the rate at which your body burns fat and calories. This can lead to increased weight loss when combined with proper nutrition and other forms of exercise. Additionally, regular practice can help build strength and tone muscles, which adds to the overall calorie-burning effect.

The intense heat involved during hot yoga sessions can also help improve flexibility, allowing participants to move through different stretches more easily. This helps yogis get a deeper stretch while performing certain poses – further increasing the number of calories burned during each session.

Apart from its physical benefits, hot yoga can also be beneficial for mental well-being. The intense heat has a calming effect on both body and mind while connecting yogis more deeply with their breath – leading to improved concentration and balance as well as lowered stress levels. With regular practice, these positive effects can be carried over into everyday life – creating an overall sense of wellbeing that is vital for successful weight loss efforts in the long run.

In conclusion, hot yoga has many physical and psychological benefits that make it an excellent choice for those looking to achieve their weight loss goals. With its combination of calorie-burning potential and calming effects, this form of exercise is sure to leave you feeling refreshed and invigorated after each session!

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Jill Henderson Jill Henderson

Hot Yoga for Relaxation and Stress Relief

Hot yoga for stress relief and relaxation.

Hot yoga is quickly becoming a popular form of exercise, offering many physical and mental health benefits. It involves practicing yoga in a heated environment, usually between 90 - 105° Fahrenheit and 40-60% humidity. This type of yoga is known to be especially helpful to those looking to reduce stress levels and relax the body, allowing them to focus on their breath and move through different poses with greater ease.

Physical benefits such as increased flexibility, improved cardiovascular health, enhanced detoxification, strengthened muscles, and weight loss are all associated with hot yoga practice. Moreover, due to the intense heat and the deep stretching involved during sessions, hot yoga can have powerful psychological effects too. The heat can help gradually relax the body while stimulating circulation – leading to improved concentration and introspection as well as better balance both mentally and physically.

The calming nature of hot yoga classes can also be beneficial for those dealing with stress or anxiety disorders. Additionally, regular practice can help yogis become more aware of their own bodies by cultivating mindful movement practices that create a sense of stillness even in dynamic poses. This can ultimately lead to an overall feeling of serenity even outside the yoga studio setting.

Overall, hot yoga is a great way to bring balance into our lives – not only physically but mentally too. With its various health benefits – ranging from increased flexibility to relaxation – it’s no wonder this form of exercise has grown so much in popularity over the last few years!

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