Getting Into Good Habits: A Guide to Establishing a Yoga Routine

Yoga can be incredibly beneficial to our overall well-being, both physically and mentally. But without a commitment to establishing an effective yoga routine, it can sometimes be difficult to reap these rewards. Here are some simple tips for getting into the habit of a regular yoga practice.

Find a Time That Works For You

Having difficulty finding the time or motivation to practice regularly? Try picking a time that works best for you — whether that’s first thing in the morning, during your lunch break, or toward the end of your day — then stick with it! Schedule your practice as you would any other important event.

Start Small & Build Up

For those just starting out with yoga, try beginning with short sessions (10-20 minutes). Even small doses of yoga can still be beneficial, plus you’ll feel more motivated to come back to your mat when you’re not overwhelmed by too much at once! As you gain more confidence and strength, gradually increase the length and complexity of each session.

Think Beyond Physical Benefits

There are various types of yoga available — from gentle restorative postures to challenging vinyasa flows — so find one that resonates with your goals and interests. Don’t forget about all the other mental health benefits such as improved concentration and relaxation that come along with practicing mindfulness and breathing techniques.

Connect With The Community

Yoga isn’t only about personal gains but also connecting with others in the community! If possible attend classes at studios like The Melting Spot in Owasso or outdoor locations so you can share your practice with like-minded people while learning from more experienced practitioners.

With a little bit of dedication and intention, anyone can make their own unique yoga routine and enjoy the many physical and mental benefits it brings.



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