Taking Your Yoga Practice To The Extreme: Unnecessary and Ridiculous Yoga Attire

Yoga is often seen as a relaxing way to stay fit and centered — but what happens when the practice goes too far and people take it to new extremes? Introducing the craziest, most outrageous pieces of yoga attire you never knew existed!

Deep Sea Diving Gear

If you want a full body experience, look no further than deep sea diving gear. Nothing quite compares to the feeling of being totally submerged in water while doing your favorite poses! Plus, you never have to worry about overheating again. Just imagine how much fun your underwater sun salutations will be...

Tactical Combat Gear

Combat situations can be intense. And what better way to prepare for them then by wearing full-on tactical combat gear during your yoga session? Be sure to add elbow pads, knee pads, and goggles for all those Warrior IIs and triangle poses. You'll be ready for any battle that comes your way!

High Heels

Ahhh yes, high heels. What woman doesn't love 'em? But why stop there? Make sure they come with rhinestones and sequins of course - so when you get into Warrior III pose you can bedazzle everyone around you with sparkly rainbows of light reflecting off your shoes!

As we can see from these strange items, some people are taking their yoga practice just a little bit too seriously! While it's great to take care of yourself with regular exercise like yoga — let's not let it spiral out of control (or turn us into walking disco balls!). #yogaclothes


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