What Yoga Is Not - Despite What Some May Tell You

Yoga is often portrayed in popular culture as a mysterious, mystical practice full of complicated postures and the ever-elusive goal of “enlightenment.” But this couldn’t be further from the truth! Here’s a look at what yoga is not – despite what some may tell you.

It's Not Religion: Contrary to popular belief, yoga is not a religion or cult. It has been around for thousands of years and encompasses many different spiritual paths, but it doesn't demand that practitioners have any particular beliefs or values.

It's Not Elitist: We all know that workouts can sometimes turn into competitive contests – but yoga isn’t about who can perform the most complicated poses with perfect grace. The practice is about connecting with your body and letting go of stress – not looking like an Instagram model!

It's Not Unattainable: Some people think that yoga takes years of practice to even begin to understand its benefits – but this isn't true at all! Even if you don't get everything right in your first session, there are still plenty of benefits for everyone no matter their starting level.

In conclusion, it's important to remember that yoga isn't any one thing – so don't let others fool you into believing it has to be a certain way! Whether you're new to the practice or a seasoned pro, simply focus on connecting with your body and breathing deeply during your sessions and you'll see results soon enough.


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