Boost Your Practice with Arm Balances and Inversions

If you’re looking to add more of a challenge to your yoga practice, arm balances and inversions are the perfect way to do so. Not only are they fun and rewarding, but they’ll also help improve your strength and flexibility too! Here’s an overview of these two interesting techniques:

Arm Balances

Arm balances require a combination of patience, strength, focus, and flexibility. The most popular arm balance postures include Crow Pose (Bakasana), Side Plank (Vasisthasana), Handstand (Adho Mukha Vrksasana) and Forearm Balance (Pincha Mayurasana). To enter into any of these postures, you should start by focusing on your breath while centering yourself in an upright pose — if you need extra support consider using a block or wall. When ready, move onto shifting your weight to one side while bringing your hands into a strong base — then slowly lift one leg at a time until both legs are off the ground and suspended in air.


Inversions can be quite intimidating for beginners but remember — practice makes perfect! Common inversion postures include Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana) and Headstand (Sirsasana). To begin any inversion posture, start by lying all the way down on your back, then take some deep breaths before slowly engaging your core muscles to raise your legs upwards. Be sure to use caution when attempting headstands as there is greater chance for injury due to gravity pulling against you when inverted.

Arm balances and inversions can be difficult poses that require patience as well as dedication — but if done correctly they will provide amazing benefits such as increased strength, balance, mental clarity and focus. So give them a try next time you hit the mat! #Yoga


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