Flexibility and Yoga: A Match Made In Heaven

One of the most obvious benefits of yoga practice is increased flexibility. But why does yoga cause us to become more limber? How does it impact our everyday lives? In this blog post, we'll explore the relationship between flexibility and yoga and how to maximize its effects for improved physical health.

What is Flexibility?

Flexibility is simply our body's ability to move freely through a range of motion. This range can be divided into four categories: static, dynamic, active and passive. Static flexibility refers to your ability to hold a certain pose without movement, while dynamic flexibility means being able to move through a range of motions with ease. Active flexibility involves using muscular control during stretches or poses, while passive flexibility means using an external force such as gravity or another person's help.

How Does Yoga Help Increase Flexibility?

Yoga helps increase flexibility in several ways. Firstly, all yoga poses stretch the muscles and joints in different ways depending on the type of posture being done — think hearty backbends or quad-stretching standing poses! Secondly, most forms of yoga link conscious breathing with movement which deepens our physical connection with each pose — helping us achieve deeper stretching benefits over time. Lastly, regular practice can help break down adhesions in the muscles (known as “knots”) which block range of motion.

Tips For Maximizing Flexibility With Yoga

If you're looking to maximize your flexiblity with yoga practice, here are a few tips that might help you out:

  • Warm up before practicing by taking a few minutes for light movements like neck rolls or arm circles;

  • Listen closely to your body and don't push beyond what feels comfortable;

  • Incorporate plenty of restorative postures into your routine;

  • Take advantage of props like chairs or blocks if needed - they can help you find deeper poses safely;

  • Breathe deeply throughout your practice;

  • Stretch regularly after class (at least 10 minutes per day).

Yoga can be intimidating at first — but with some patience and regular consistency, you may find that it's not so scary after all! With all its amazing physical benefits, incorporating even just 10 minutes daily could make for a world of difference in your life. So roll out your mat today and see what wonders await!


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